5 Most effective ways to increase Page RPM

5 Most effective ways to increase Page RPM in 2022

If you have just started your blog or website and facing low Page RPM then believe me you are on the right page now.

Getting low traffic, poor Page RPM, CPM, or CTR in a newly started blog is very common. No one can get millions of views in a single night, believe me, it’s a long journey. Long does not mean centuries however the real question of consideration is that – How long? No one can exactly answer.

Visible progress is necessary and to see it you need to closely monitor this and make some changes accordingly. You can also implement some strategies making it more convenient to the search engines and to the readers. This is only the way you need to focus on. This will certainly help you to grow faster than others.

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Higher Page RPM generates Higher Ad revenue on your blog. Many blogs or website available on google suggests adopting something like a powerful marketing tool for paid traffic, they also endorse to buy their products but all these are something like a hollow cylinder which is painted much to hide its fruitfulness. Paid traffic do have high bounce rates.

In my opinion, you need not adopt this idea primarily. Firstly you need to focus on the need and aspirations of your readers and the optimization requirements of the search engines.

To understand it, let me explain in brief – 

What does it mean Page RPM?

Page RPM means Page revenue per thousand impressions. Page RPM is simply calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you have received multiplied by 1000.

For example 
For example, if you have earned an estimated $1.00 from 100 page views, then your page RPM would equal ($1/100) * 1000 = $10.0.

Mathematical formula

Page RPM = (Estimated earnings/Number of page views) X 1000.

How to increase page RPM?

Since the outcome of the process explained here for improving your Page RPM is not spontaneous in nature means it will not reflect the sudden rise in revenue soon.

It will take 2 or three weeks to make the progress visible to you hence regular and comprehensive assessment, after implementing the below recommendations, are important – 

1. Work on SEO

It is a major source of organic traffic. In every blog or website, there are two types of visitors – New visitors and Returning Visitors. If we evaluate, the SEO contributes more to attract new users.

If you are not willing to spend huge money on advertisements then an adequate SEO optimization habit will alone ensure the greater reachability of the audiences. Do focus more on indexing and Crawling of the website content. A good SEO practice will add a higher amount of organic traffic to your site. There is no doubt that high traffic will lead to a high Click-through rate (CTR).

Here are some tips that are given below. While publishing your posts, Please make sure that you have analyzed the SEO of your blog or site at your end –

  • Focus on keyphrase or Keywords
  • Use at least one image in each post make a clear Post title and add the
  • keyword to the title
  • Use the Keyword at least 2 times in the H2 and H3 headings add your
  • Keyword at least 2 times in the Meta description. The length of the meta description should be kept under 150 characters but not below the 50 characters.
  • Use at least 2 internal links to your content
  • Use at least 2 Outbound/external links to your content
  • Avoid plagiarism content
  • Use your Keyphrase in the slug
  • Write a post of at least 500 words

2. Improve content quality

Many bloggers fail in their blogging career not because of the lack of hard work or potential but because of the lack of proper guidance or experience. If you are giving too much time to your blog or website then even it does not guarantee to give you a positive impact on your site.

When the quality is concerned no one can define the exact quality threshold to your blog. The experience may vary from person to person. However, we would like to offer some recommendations, which are strictly based on Google’s Publisher Policies

  • Write unique and decent content
  • Write content in good language
  • Posts should not contain Misrepresentative content
  • Write content that qualifies the minimum content requirements means it should not be written under the recommended limit of 500 words.
  • Malicious, repetitive, or duplicate content should be avoided.

Except above, you can also take content quality feedbacks and suggestions from your readers in order to make continuous improvements to your site.

3. Boost speed of the site

Adding ads to the website automatically affects the page loading speed of the site by 1 to 2 seconds. If the page loading time of your blog or website is 2 – 3 seconds then it is ok. otherwise, you need to work on the optimization of your site content. Some studies show the site-loading speed of more than 2 seconds usually results in about 47 percent of visitors bouncing off the website.

As per Google’s recommendations, the page loading time of the site should be kept under 2 seconds.

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While working on the speed of the site it should also be kept in account that there are multiple factors that are affecting the speed of your site like – server response time, page’s attributions, user’s browser, device, and his/her internet speed.

If any technical issue is attributing to the slow loading, the periodic up-gradation is vital to achieving the desired outcomes.

4. Use proper ad formats and sizes

There are a number of ad formats for your site for example – text ads, video ads, and expandable ads. Similarly, a variety of ad sizes are also available there but all ad units may not be always considered good for your site. Always use the appropriate size and formate of an ads on your website.

Do experiment with your site. Check whether you are getting views on which device I,e: Mobile, Tablet, or Computer and then optimize your ad according to the media size of the device.

Generally, video ads generate higher revenue but it is not always true for all. In case of Google Adsense, it does not show ads on devices if ads are not compatible in size and formates. However, a study shows that 120×240 sized have around 55.6% viewability rate which higher than all sizes of ads available on AdSense. If possible Remove Low CPC Adsense Advertisements.

5. Keep user engagement

User engagement is essential for the growth of your blog or site. Post regular and make consistency to your work. Posting regularly a post on your site will slowly build a loyal relationship with your readers. On their visits, they will find some new information on your site.

Daily visitors will increase the number of returning visitors, giving more views, spending more time. All will contribute to the low bounce rate and high page RPM.

So keep updated to your site daily, weekly or monthly. This will maintain a high-end user engagement.

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